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shapeWho Are We?

At Tu Escuelita de Manejo, we are committed to your road safety. We are more than a driving school; we are your partner on the journey to safe and confident driving. Our mission goes beyond teaching the rules of the road; we aim to shape conscious, ethical, and skilled drivers who contribute to road safety in our communities. Join us at Tu Escuelita de Manejo and start your journey to safe and confident driving. We're waiting for you! We're waiting for you!


Years of Experience

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Learn to Drive, Drive Safely and Confidently.

First, learn to drive safely and confidently, get acquainted with the vehicle, and obey traffic laws. Maintain a safe distance, use turn signals, and regularly check mirrors and blind spots.

  • Quick Tips and Suggestions
  • Preparation for the Practical Exam
  • Parallel Parking
  • Basic Driving Skills
  • We are certified
  • Fast Service
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We have a lot of experience, and 98% of students pass the driving test on the first attempt.

Defensive driving involves controlling speed, looking ahead, being prepared for unexpected events, staying alert without distractions, and being ready for all kinds of actions and reactions from other drivers.




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